The Motor Activity Programme (MATP) at Sandgate School

What is the MATP? 

The Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP®) was developed by Special Olympics and is a movement-based sports programme that provides meaningful sport and physical activity for young people with severe/profound, multiple impairments (PMLD) and Complex Support Needs.   

Within MATP, emphasis is placed on the participation, inclusion and progression of skill building over a period of time. MATP allows students to build skills that aid the prerequisites for sporting activities, for example, Gymnastics, Tennis and circus skills, which make these sessions meaningful, fun and highly inclusive.

At Sandgate school, we utilize MATP for our MEADOWS and SEAS pathway learners. We focus on the 4 main areas of MATP: Dexterity, Mobility, Kicking and Striking within our weekly sessions.