Upcoming events

Upcoming online parent/carer workshops. Topics include anxiety, stress and coping strategies, depression, eating disorders, risk taking behaviours and learning disabilities and autism.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

What is mental health?  


Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. 

At Sandgate School we put equal weight on mental and physical health.  


How do we support mental health at Sandgate School?  


We support our students’ mental health by providing a curriculum and environment that meets their individual needs.  

We support our students’ mental health by helping them build strong relationships with staff and peers based on mutual trust and respect. 

We support our students’ mental health by liaising with parents and carers.  

We support our students’ mental health by viewing behaviour as communication.  

We support our students’ mental health by viewing communication as an essential human right and seeking ways for all students to access this.  

We support our students’ mental health by respecting their choices.  

We support our students’ mental health by meeting their sensory and vestibular needs.  

We support our students’ mental health by encouraging them to identify, understand and name their emotions. We support students to find effective ways of regulating their emotional needs.  


Examples of approaches used with school are :  

  • Work with Moving Mindsets including a designated school support worker 
  • Visits from therapy dogs  
  • Weekly targeted music therapy  
  • Student/staff debriefs including storyboards and comic strips  
  • KS3 + Mental Health support group  
  • LGBTQ+ student support group 
  • Worry boxes in each class room 
  • Designated student mental health support email addresses  
  • SoSafe programme 
  • Working with wider agencies and support networks 


  • Designated staff mental health support email addresses 
  • Trained Mental Health First Aider in workplace  
  • Colleagues trained in suicide awareness  
  • Ongoing professional development opportunities 
  • An internal HR and Pay advisory service 
  • Employee benefits including self-referral for occupational health support including mental health and physical health as well as physiotherapy 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Access to support and counselling through schools’ insurance scheme  
  • Designated line managers  
  • Staff wellbeing and stress risk assessments   
  • Staff wellbeing group  
  • Recreational / wellbeing groups including bookclub, yoga and walk/run club.  

Pathways to support  



Useful links  

About Children Creative Therapy  

Anna Freud Centre  

Bee Unique  

Bluebell Foundation (Bereavement support)  

CAHMS resources  

Calm zone – Childline  

Carefree – Take a Break

Cost of living

Cumbria Wellbeing Padlet of services  

Directory of Support Services


Emotional Health and Wellbeing Pathways  

Feelings tracker  

Food and Mood 

Getting help for your child – Young Minds  

Growing Well  

How to talk to your child about mental health  


Oaklea Trust  

Parents A to Z of mental health  

Parents Guide to looking after your mental health 

Parenting and Mental Health   

Rainbow Trust  


World Health Organisation  


Wellbeing tips  































Mental Health and Wellbeing

SG Autism and Sleep Compressed