Scafell is located on the QKS site in the main buildings of QKS School. We are a Post 16 class in the Lakes pathway (Living, Academic, Knowledge Education, Skills). Students tend to stay with us for three years developing their skills into adulthood.



Our main role is about Preparing for Adulthood, whilst achieving the best we can with our academic studies. This is through a combination of continuing with our Functional Skills work and exams, completing a BTEC in Vocational Studies or Asdan Lifeskills Challenge Awards.



Developing our life skills is a key part of our curriculum. Developing our independence, understanding about relationships and the choices we make, being involved in all aspects of school life and the wider community.

Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) is important for us developing healthy lifestyles, accessing local leisure facilities, taking care of our well-being along with understanding about healthy eating through planning, shopping and preparing our own healthy meals each week.

Thinking about our future and our next steps is part of our careers programme. We visit local Colleges for sampling sessions, talk with training providers and participate in various Work Experience opportunities. All helping us form decisions about our future pathway.

We aim to enjoy our learning, work as a team and listen to each other’s suggestions about what is important in their lives and learning. We enjoy regular trips out, including a residential, all supporting students to develop as confident young individuals.